A Warm welcome!

Who am I?

Although I studied a B. degree in Piano Performance at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and work for many years in broadcasting, I followed my second dream and obtained a German qualification as Color, Style & Image Consultant. After that I qualified as a Style Coach™️ and I am a member of The International Association of Style Coaches.

That led to a Life Coach certification by the NeuroLeadership Institute.

I'm also married to a coach and the mom of 2 children , plus a cat, who has now lived with us in 4 countries.

Rectangular Shape Glyph
Hand With African Flag South Africa

What is coaching?

Coaching is a way of designing your future outcome to serve you best in your personal world.

A qualified coach is trained to elicit deeper thoughts and ideas,

to shorten your road to the outcome, and to hold you accountable to achieve the goals YOU have set.

Coaches don't TELL you what to do, they just help you

FIND, DEFINE and REFINE your goals.

How can we work together?

Women go through many life phases and seasons and it’s so easy to become ‘Bianca and James’s mom’, or John’s wife. The children’s needs and household items are often ranked above our needs. We put our own lives on hold, or wait for the right time or money, or just give up because we've lost our confidence

during these hurricane years.

Do you recognized this lifestyle?

Has the light gone up...that you haven't invested in your own talents,

dreams or wishes, and you now suddenly realize how many happy and

fulfilling years still await you, even after midlife?

I guess you're here to explore and undertake new challenges:

start a business, study, relocate, quit your job, change your style....

But you doubt yourself and you don't know

how and where to start.

Ask yourself: How will things change

in the next 6 months if I keep on dreaming without taking action?

In coaching you will find the safe space to design a new vision for your life and dreams, solve a dilemma, or step into the magic world of a

personal transformation - from the inside out or outside in.

Welcome to coaching! I will be honored and happy to be your

coach and to guide and navigate you on your new chosen path.

YOU stay the driver of your life, I’m there to keep you moving and

on track towards your new destination.

»Never look back. The past is done.

The future is a blank canvas.

Work on creating a masterpiece.

Only you have the power

to make your painting beautiful.. »

Suzy Kassem.

Life coaching

Life coaching for difficult decisions


The Sunflower

Confidence package

Life/ Dilemma coaching

Is your mind spinning and tumbling, but you can’t seem to make a decision or find a solution?

In coaching it’s called a dilemma.

When you feel stuck in a corner and overwhelmed, this coaching helps getting you unstuck and gives clarity so you can move forward.

Fees per hour.

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Sunflower Confidence Package

  • A 6 x 60 min coaching starter package, a combo of mind and style makeover. More sessions may be needed.
  • coaching tools & techniques to help remove stumbling blocks , activate positive goals eg. for weight loss, confidence, accountablity, etc.
  • while refining your style to harmonize with your new lifestyle.

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Style Coaching™️

Protea Premium Refashioning package

Simplify your


style and space

Protea Refashioning Package

  • Assessment for *style personality, *color advice, & *body shape
  • 6 x 60 minute Zooms to design your wardrobe transformation
  • Assessment of: 30-40 pcs clothing, 10-15 pcs accessories
  • Do-it-together decluttering included
  • Free Style development file & Portrait area makeover advice

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Simplify your wardrobe,

style and space

A fun do-it-together virtual activity to help you:

*declutter and simplify your wardrobe, leaving you with

*your best colors,

*most flattering fitting items and making sure you are

*ready for all occasions!

Fees per hour

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Dilemma Coaching and Simplify your wardrobe sessions - $80 per hour.

(an average wardrobe takes around 3-4 hours)

The Packages:

6 x 60 min. $555

(extra sessions $90)

South Africans receive 30 % discount

when paying in Rand


Hand With African Flag South Africa

Invitation to a FREE CHAT

Your life and situation is unique.Successful coaching depends on a trusting realtionship. During this chat you can ask me anything you want to know.

This chat is important for both of us to determine if we are a good fit in a future coaching partnership.

If not, or you are not ready yet, we part without hard feelings!

Green Brush Stroke

Email address:


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